Privacy Policy

Because people dont like to read long privacy policies, we made ours short;
CarSwap strives to ensure the highest user privacy.
We do not sell user data.

Your Email Address & Phone Number information is only used to:
-send you offers received on your car, from other people
-allow people you sent an offer to, to reply to your offer
-administrative notifications (eg password reset, etc)
-extremely rare user communication

Your Car Listing information is only used to:
-help advertise your car, so that you can receive offers on your car

If you would like your account/listing deleted, just let us know and we’ll be happy to arrange this for you.

We dont ask you for, or collect any other information of yours, so that’s it for now 🙂

User Data Deletion Policy:
-we will gladly delete your user data upon request

If this is unclear, or to contact CarSwap, please use our contact form: